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Petromax Hand Coffee Grinder

Petromax Hand Coffee Grinder


The Petromax coffee grinder is equipped with a high-quality cast iron grinder that ensures an unforgettable taste experience. The cast iron grinder ensures that the coffee beans do not overheat during grinding and that roasted aromas are not lost, giving your campfire coffee that unique, unmistakable taste. The coffee bean hopper can be filled to the brim twice, totalling 17.5g, which is enough to hold up to 35g of ground coffee in the hopper. By simply turning the adjusting screw up and down, you can change the gap distance in the conical grinder to adjust the grind to your preference. With five different grinding levels and a simple dosing option, operation is easy.

Since it works without electricity, you can use it anywhere you can light a fire. With its compact design, it fits into any rucksack and is therefore the ideal companion on all your adventures.


  • Adjustable grinding degree in 5 steps
  • Cast iron cone grinder
  • Easy handling
  • Robust material combination
  • Convenient dosing option
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